Why Phoenix was made: The Need for a Bootstrapped Production System

Why Phoenix was made: The Need for a Bootstrapped Production System

Have you ever found yourself building a web application from scratch and manually wiring up all the components that make it work? Elixir and Phoenix were created in response to this need for an easier, more streamlined way to build web applications. In this blog post, we'll explain why Phoenix was made and how it simplifies web development.

What is Phoenix?

Phoenix is a web framework written in Elixir that was created to help developers build high-performance, real-time web applications. It follows the principles of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and is designed to be scalable and maintainable. Phoenix was created by Chris McCord, who is also the author of the Phoenix LiveView library.

Why Was Phoenix Created?

Phoenix was created to address the need for a bootstrapped production system that was easy to develop and could scale. Traditional Rails-style web applications are built around active record patterns, which tends to make web applications sluggish and hard to scale. Phoenix, on the other hand, is built around the principles of functional programming and can handle communication in real-time with web sockets, making it perfect for building real-time applications.

The Benefits of Phoenix

One of the biggest benefits of Phoenix is its ease of development. Many developers who have made the switch from Ruby on Rails to Phoenix report that it is much easier to write Elixir code than Ruby code. This is because Elixir is a functional programming language that is based on the Erlang VM, which is designed to handle concurrency and fault tolerance. This makes Phoenix the perfect choice for building real-time web applications that can handle a lot of traffic.

Phoenix also comes with built-in functionality for testing and debugging, which makes it easy to build high-quality web applications with minimal fuss. It also has a thriving community of developers who are constantly creating new libraries and tools that make it even more powerful.


To give you an idea of how easy it is to work with Phoenix, take a look at this example code snippet:

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  get "/", HelloWeb.PageController, :index

  scope "/api", as: :api do
    pipe_through :api

    get "/users", HelloWeb.UserController, :index
    post "/users", HelloWeb.UserController, :create

This is a basic router that sets up a route for the homepage ("/") and a route for the users API ("/api/users"), which can be accessed via HTTP methods like GET.

Another example of Phoenix's ease of use can be seen in the following code for creating a LiveView, which is a Phoenix library for building real-time, reactive user interfaces:

defmodule HelloWeb.CounterLive do
  use Phoenix.LiveView

  def render(assigns) do
    <h1>Counter: <%= @count %></h1>

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, count: 0)}

  def handle_event("increment", _, socket) do
    {:noreply, assign(socket, count: socket.assigns.count + 1)}

This code sets up a basic LiveView that displays a counter and increments it every time a user clicks a button. As you can see, Phoenix LiveView makes it easy to build real-time user interfaces without the need for complex JavaScript frameworks.


In conclusion, Phoenix was created to address the need for a bootstrapped production system that was easy to develop and could scale. Its ease of development, built-in functionality for testing and debugging, and powerful community make it an attractive choice for building real-time web applications. With Phoenix, developers can create high-performance web applications that can handle a lot of traffic and are easy to maintain. So if you're looking for a modern, powerful, and easy-to-use web framework, you should definitely check out Phoenix!